Corinna Wang
May 12, 2020 | New Features | Corinna Wang

Now: User Choice Club % Discount Allows Product Exclusions

When using our updated User Choice Club tools, you can now exclude certain products from the percentage discount. This additional functionality gives you the option to set products within your Club season at the full retail price. This can be done in a couple of ways:

1. Within Product SKUs

Select a product and navigate to 'SKUs and Pricing', from here you can select 'Promos' under Exemptions to exclude the discount within your club season.

If you're using the older interface, select a product and check off “No Promos Applicable on Products”.  This can be found in the Manage SKUs section of the product, within the Advanced section. 

2. Within the Promotion

Within the promotion being used, adding SKUs to the Excluded Products section will prevent them from having the discount applied.

Once you add those excluded products, the season will not show an applied discount both when setting up the season and, of course, to the end consumer. 

Remember that promotions should only be used for a couple of reasons within User Choice Club seasons. Unlike in your winery ecommerce stores, promotions should only be used to identify the % discount to apply to all the SKUs within the season, and to exclude products as per today’s new functionality. Please reference the User Choice Documentation for additional insight on using the feature. 

Note: You need to be using our current checkout tools to take advantage of excluding certain products from a percentage discount. > Learn How to Update to the New Checkout and why you should upgrade here.


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