
The General tab of the completed transaction will give you an overview of the order. The information about the order, payment, billing, and shipping address of the customer will appear on the top half of the General tab.  The bottom half of the general tab will display the product, the SKU, quantity, price and breakdown of the total amount of the order.

Order Shipping: View Future Ship Dates and reason for any shipping delays. Learn More >

Order Information: View and edit specific order information such as Order Number, Order Type, and Submitted/Completed Date. Learn More >

Payment Information: Tender information and encrypted credit card details are displayed. Learn More > 

Billing Information: The customer's billing information is displayed here. Learn More >

Shipping Information: The customer's shipping information is displayed here. Learn More >

Item Description & Quantity: Items, SKUs and quantities within the order. Learn More >

Price & Total: A breakdown of the order subtotal, shipping/handling, taxes, and deposits. Learn More >

Order Shipping

This section displays Future Ship Date of the order and the reason for the shipping delay.

Future Ship Date The date selected that the order will be shipped out to the customer. This date is editable by clicking on the green pencil icon. 
Ship Delay Reason The reason why the Future Ship Date was selected. This can be edited by clicking the green pencil next to the Future Ship Date. Ship Delay reasons include: Product Hold, Weather Hold, and Customer Request

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Order Information

This section displays the Order Number, Order Type and Submitted/Completed Date of the order.

By clicking on the pencil icon, a window will pop up for you to edit the order information such as Order Type, Sale Type, Sales Associate, Sales Attribute and Source Code.

Order Number The unique number that is assigned to every order. 
Submitted The date that the order was submitted on. To learn more about Submitted Order Statuses, visit the Orders FAQs
Completed The date that the order was completed on. This will update once all payments and shipping delivery has been completed. To learn more about Completed Order Statuses, visit the Orders FAQs.
Order Type The type of order that was submitted. Default Order Types include: AdminPanel, ClubOrder, Facebook, iPad, Marketplace, Mobile, POS, Reservation, Telemarketing, and Website. To edit the Order Type, click the green pencil icon. To learn more about Order Types, visit the Order Type documentation page

You can add and edit additional order information by clicking on the green pencil icon next to Order Type:

Sale Type Select if an order is Offsite or Onsite
Campaign A marketing campaign can be selected if applicable.
Sales Associate The Sales Associate who gets credit for the order. To learn more, please visit the Sales Associate documentation page.
Sales Attribute A sales attribute is one of the ways to track, organize and sort your orders coming into Vin65. To learn more, please visit the Sales Attribute documentation page.
Source Code Allows you to add additional free-form text information to flag an order for a specific purpose. The order Source Code can be found in your Sales Detail/Sales Detail X Report.

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Payment Information

This section displays the payment tender type, last four digits of the credit card (if credit card is used as a tender type) and the expiry date of the credit card.

CashOn Account and Check orders will not display detailed information except the type of tender used.

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Billing Information

The customer's billing information is indicated in this section. Billing information shown includes First Name, Last Name, Company, Address, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, Phone Number, Email Address, and Birth-date. This can be edited by clicking on the magnifying glass icon next to the First/Last Name, which will direct you to the General tab of the customer's contact record.

Change the billing contact >

Change the 'Billing' contact record.

You are able to change the billing contact that is associated with an order after the order has been placed. Note that this does not effect the shipping information and does not change the order's payment details (i.e. shipping, taxes, handling, etc. do not change). This simply attached an order to a contact's record.

First, click the swap customer icon shown below.

Then search for the contact you'd like to add to this order and click search. If there was only one record that matched your search criteria, they will be added to the order. If multiple records match your search criteria, you can then select which contact you'd like (shown in the image below).

You will then notice that the new billing contact shows within the Billing Information section and that the Shipping Information section remains unchanged. Note there is no way to change this shipping information unless you cancel/refund this initial order and create a new order.

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Shipping Information

The Shipping Information indicates where the order will be shipped to. If the receiver of the order is a different person than the Billing Information, it will be displayed in this section. Shipping Information shown includes First Name, Last Name, Company, Address, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, Phone Number, Email Address, and Birth-date.

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Item Description & Quantity

This section displays the items on the order along with the SKU and the quantity per product.

Item Description The items Product Name, Unit Description, and SKU. 
Quantity The total amount of each item purchased within the order.

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Price & Total

The price and total section will break down the Subtotal of the order, Deposit amount, Shipping & Handing charges and taxes.

Price The Retail Price of each individual item within the order.
Total The Retail Price multiplied by the Quantity for each line item.
Subtotal The Total added from each line item within the order.
Deposit The amount of the bottle deposit for the order. This feature is only applicable to Canadian clients. To have this feature turned on, please contact
Shipping The total cost of shipping for the order.
Handling The total cost of handling for the order.
Sales Tax The total amount of tax applied to the order.
TOTAL The Total of the order includes the Subtotal, Deposit, Shipping, Handling, and Sales Tax.

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