Sales Detail & Sales Detail X 

This is the most comprehensive of all your sales reports. This report will allow you to view the specific details of each order between specific date ranges. This report is often the best option when exporting orders from the Vin65 platform.

We have several parameters you can use to get the most accurate Sales Detail report:

  • Select the Type of Order it is (Admin panel/Website/POS/Tasting Room etc)
  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Show if its Bundle and Sub SKUs, Bundle Only, or Individual SKUs only
  • Search specific SKU number
  • Status of the order (Completed/Pending/Cancelled etc)
  • Shipping Status (No Status/Shipped/Picked up)
    • This is the status marked off on the Shipping tab. It is primarily used by customers who are self-fulfilling.

Customizing A Sales Report

Reports export in .CSV format.

You can access the Sales Detail Report by navigating to Reports > Sales > Sales Detail or Sales Detail X

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Here are the definitions of what will populate in your Sales Detail report:

Website The website the purchase originated from.
Order Number The number assigned to an order in the admin panel.
Alt Order Number The order number for an order passed into Vin65 from another system (RMS, Amazon, etc). This will only populate for orders passed to Vin65 through webservices and cannot be manually added to an order.
Status What the status of the order is. (Completed/Quarantined/Cancelled/Pending)
Type What type of order it was. (Website/ClubOrder/AdminPanel)
Submitted Date The date they ordered. (MM/DD/YYYY)
Submitted Time The time that the order was submitted
Completed Date The date the order was completed. (MM/DD/YYYY)
Completed Time The time that the order was completed
Shipping Hold Until The date customer would like the order to be held and shipped. (MM/DD/YYYY)
Shipping Hold Until The date customer would like the order to be held and shipped. (MM/DD/YYYY)
Shipping Hold Reason The reason the customer would like the order held.
Requested Delivery On The date the delivery was requested on.
Customer Number The customer number for the billing customer.
Bill Birth Date Birthdate of the customer that is being billed. (MM/DD/YYYY)
Bill Name Full name of the customer that is being billed. Written as LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME.
Bill First Name First name of the customer that is being billed.
Bill Last Name Last name of the customer that is being billed.
Bill Company Company name of the customer that is being billed.
Bill Address Address of the customer that is being billed.
Bill Address 2 The second address of the customer that is being billed.
Bill City The city that the customer being billed lives in.
Bill State State that the customer being billed lives in. (XX) Ex: California - CA
Bill Zip Zip code/Postal of the customer that is being billed.
Bill Phone Phone number of the customer that is being billed.
Bill Email Email address of the customer that is being billed.
Contact Status

Let's you know who this person is: 

  • ClubMember
  • RepeatCustomer
  • 1stTimCustomer
Pickup Is the order for pickup? (YES/NO)
Pickup Location The address of the Pickup Location.
Pickup Location Code The internal code you set for the Pickup Location.
Ship Birth Date Birthdate of the customer that the order is being shipped to. (MM/DD/YYYY)
Ship First Name First name of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Last Name Last name of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Company Company name of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Address Address of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Address 2 The second address of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship City City that the customer lives in that the order is being shipped to.
Ship State State that the customer lives in where the order is being shipped to. (XX) Ex: California - CA
Ship Zip Zip code/Postal of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Phone Phone number of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Email Email address of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Subtotal Subtotal of the order, before taxes and shipping/handling.
Deposit If there is a bottle deposit on product(s) *(Canadian customers only)
Shipping Total amount of shipping.
Shipping Tax Total amount of tax on Shipping
Handling Total amount of handling.
Taxes Total amount of tax.
Total Total of sale including tax, shipping/handling.
Tip Tip amount in the transaction.
Total After Tips The total amount after tips have been included in the total.
Sales Associate If there is a sales associate assigned to the order.
Sales Attributes The category or method that applies to your order. See Sales Attribute Documentation.
Club The Club the customer belongs to.
Club Shipment If there is a Club Shipment name for this purchase.
Corporate Batch # The corporate batch number for this purchase.
Source If you are using source codes to tag orders.
Sent to Fulfillment The date that your order was sent off to fulfillment.
Ship Date The date the order is physically shipped [Future Ship Date]. (MM/DD/YYYY)
Tracking Number The tracking number that was assigned to your order, if it has one.
Pickup Date The date that the order was picked up on.
Picked Up By The name of the individual who picked up the order, if available.
Shipment Count The number of club shipments that this customer has received.
Transaction Type If there is a specific transaction type that should be recorded other than a standard purchase.
Order Notes Notes made by the customer or admin in regards to the order (ex. Special Instructions)
Gift Message Message written by customer to go along with order.
Is Order Non-Taxable Is the order Non-taxable – (Yes/No)
Wholesale # The Wholesale number of the customer.
Guest count The combined total of club and non-club members that were logged for this order when using Resturaunt POS features.
Club Guest count The total amount of club members that were logged for this order when using Resturaunt POS features.
Non Club Guest count The total amount of non club members that were logged for this order when using Resturaunt POS features.
Quantity The quantity purchased.
Product Type The type of product that was sold. (Wine/ProductBundle/EventTicket/GiftCard/etc).

The department that the product is assigned to.

  • i.e. Food, Merchandise, Wine, etc.
Department Code The code that is assigned to the department.
Sub Department

The sub department that the product is assigned to.

  • i.e. Food, Merchandise, Wine, etc.
Sub Department Code The code that is assigned to the sub department.
Inventory Pool The pool the inventory belongs to.
Product Title The title of the product.
Product Brand The brand assigned to the product.
Product SKU The number assigned to the product
Supplier The inventory supplier.
Reorder SKU This SKU is used only internally for your reports. This does not appear online. This field appears in Drilldown Properties for all types of products.
Original Item Price The original price of the product.
Item Price The price per unit for the SKU being sold. (Quantity)
Item Discount The different between Original Item Price and Item Price.
Ext Item Price The total price of SKUs, counting in quantity and discounts.
Item Weight The weight of the product.
Cost Of Good The cost of the good of the product.
Is Product Non-Taxable Is the SKU being purchased Taxable or Non-Taxable. (Yes/No)
Is Price Override Is the Price set for this SKU a Price Override? (Yes/No)
1st Promotion If they add a promo code, it only tracks the first promotion.
Last Modified Date The date of the last time this order was modified.

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