Inventory Transactions

The inventory transactions report is designed to show you a complete breakdown of the transactions of each of your products that have inventory.

We have several parameters you can use to get the most of your inventory transactions report:

SKU Select a specific SKU or leave blank to search All SKUs.
Inventory Pool Choose All Inventory Pools or a specific Inventory Pool.
Status Select to search for All Statuses or Low Inventory Only.
Type Select to search for Only SKUs with Inventory or All SKUs. If Only SKUs With Inventory is selected, this will report all SKUs that are selected as Product Uses Inventory in the Product SKUs section. SKUs with an inventory of 0 will still appear. 
From Date-To Date The timeframe of the report.
Brand Select All Brands or a specific Brand.
Category The category where the product belongs to. Choose All Categories or a specific Category.
Product The Product you are searching. Type in the product name in the field.

Reports export in .CSV format.

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Here are the definitions of what will populate in your Inventory Transaction report:

Product Name Name of the product.
Start Balance The starting balance of product's inventory for the start of the reporting period.
Date of Transaction Date of an inventory transaction occurance.
Date of Inventory Adjustment Date of a manual inventory adjustment.
End Balance The closing balance of a product's inventory at the end of the reporting period.

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