Corinna Wang
September 9, 2021 | New Features | Corinna Wang

Now: Corporate Order Importer Expanded

Good news! You can now take advantage of the expanded Corporate Order Importer extension to 36 SKUs. As some corporate customers expressed interest in having the gift extended to pick between a library of wines that pass the 12 SKUs total previously allowed.

The Corporate Order Importer allows you to create multiple orders, with multiple shipping addresses for one single billing customer. The billing customer who is paying for all the orders will only see one charge for the total amount. This update allows you to add more columns as needed to get the required number of SKUs in the importer (up to 36 SKUs). Simply download the latest sample file for compatibility in 3 easy steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Import/Export > Corp. Order Importer
  2. Click Import Corporate Orders from the left navigation
  3. Click Download Sample File to download the spreadsheet needed

>>Read the full documentation here.

This update was a direct result of an idea in the Idea Forum. Thank you for submitting and voting to get current features functionality improved!


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