Corinna Wang
April 28, 2020 | New Features | Corinna Wang

New: Updating your Club Members to Ship with Member Importer Tool

Starting today, you can easily ship packages to club members who would have normally picked up in your tasting room. Using our Member Importer Tool, it's simple to bulk change members orders from pickup to shipping, saving you time during club runs.

Previously, when using the Club Member Importer tool, it required you to enter credit card information for each member but we have now removed that requirement when updating existing club members. These changes enable you to update information for existing club members and easily bulk change members from pickup to shipping without having to edit each individual membership.

We recommend you read these instructions in their entirety before beginning the update process.

1. Create a List of your Current Pickup Members

>List Builder Documentation

  • Go to List Builder and create a new list
  • Under Club Options, select the Club(s) where you would like to update members preferences to shipping from pickup
  • In the Pickup drop down menu select “Pickup Only”
  • Generate the list

Use this list to reach out to customers so they can confirm their shipping address (see step 3 below).

2. Update Pickup Club Members to Ship

>Club Member Importer Documentation

The following steps will update your club members to “shipping” on their membership as well as update their shipping address.

  • Go to Settings > Imports/Exports > Club Member Exporter and download your member information as a CSV file
  • Before working on your export file, save a dated copy in a safe place so that you have a record of pickup members. You may use this file to easily switch members back to pickup later, if necessary
  • Locate your pickup members, they will be denoted by a “1” under the ‘IsPickupAtWinery’ column
  • Under the ‘IsPickupAtWinery’ column, change the “1” to “0” or “No” 
  • Save the file and go to Settings > Imports/Exports > Club Member Importer and upload the file

Once you upload the file, the members preference will be updated to shipping and their shipping address will be as follows:

  • Use their shipping address if they have a single shipping address on their contact
  • Use their billing address if they have multiple shipping addresses on their contact
  • Use their billing address if they do not have a shipping address on their contact

3. Confirm New Shipping Address with Club Members

We highly recommend that you reach out to customers to confirm their updated shipping address is correct before processing the club. 

  • Create an email for your previously marked pickup members asking them to either update or confirm their shipping address



Hello //FirstName//,

We are emailing to let you know that due to COVID-19 we are currently not able to accommodate pickup orders at the tasting room right now. Good News!  We are still able to ship your upcoming order from //ClubName//.

We have automatically filled your shipping address but we need you to confirm this is the best address to ship your club order to.  

Please review the following:


If the above address is correct, no action is needed.  If the shipping address is not correct, please login to your account or call us to update.


Send this to the list you generated in the first section of these instructions.  This will ensure that you are only contacting members to confirm who were previously set to pickup.

You can also check the “Email Detailed Report” to see which members have not yet opened the email and reach out to them personally to confirm, if needed.



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