Club Member Importer

The Club Member Importer tool will allow you to import multiple wine club memberships for your customers by either adding a club membership to an existing contact record, or by creating a new contact record. Please watch the video or read the following text to learn more about the Club Member Importer. 

Download a Sample File: Learn more about downloading our sample files for your import. Learn More >

Filling out the Sample File: Learn how to correctly fill out the sample file. Learn More >

Importing Club Members: Learn how to import your Club Memberships into the database. Learn More >

FAQs: See other questions wineries ask. Learn More >

Download a Sample File

Importing club members to the Vin65 database can easily be done.

1. Please navigate to Settings > Import/Export > Club Member Importer in the Admin Panel.

2. Please click on Download Sample File to download the spreadsheet we will use.

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Filling out the Sample File

Below is the list of definitions found on the Club Member Importer Sample File:

Customer Number This field must be numeric. This will be the ID associated with a customer record, that is matched to the customer's email address. If left blank, the Vin65 Platform will be able to scan the database for the same email address - if no matching email address is found, the platform will automatically assign the next highest number as a customer number for the contact.
BirthDate The birthdate of the customer. Format is in: YYYY-MM-DD.
*FirstName The first name of the customer. This is also the first name for the billing address.
*LastName The last name of the customer. This is also the last name for the billing address.
Company The customer's business or company.
*Address The street address of the customer. This is also the street address for the billing address. If no shipping address is entered, then this address will also be used for the Club Membership's shipping address. Maximum of 100 characters.
Address2 Additional address information. For example, unit#, apt#, etc.
*City The customer's city of residence. This is also the city for the billing address.
*StateCode The two character abreviated state code or province code. For example, California = CA and British Columbia = BC.
*ZipCode The customer's zip code.
MainPhone The customer's main phone number. Format is in: 000-000-0000.
*Email All contacts in Vin65 must have an email address. The Vin65 Platform uses this email address as one method of verifying contacts within your database. Each customer must have a unique email address.
Username The username that is associated for the customer's website log-in credentials. A username cannot exist without a password. Usernames must be greater than 6 characters; numeric or alphanumeric.
Password The password that is associated for the customer's website log-in credentials. A password cannot exist without a username. Passwords must be greater than 6 characters; numeric or alphanumeric.

The credit card associated with the Club Membership. Each of the credit card types must be filled out accordingly (no spaces):

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • AmericanExpress
  • DinersClub
  • Discover
**CreditCardNumber The column must be set to TEXT in your Excel spreadsheet before pasting in credit card numbers. If this column is not set to text, then Excel will round your credit card numbers, causing the cards to be invalid. The card number must not contain any spaces.
**CreditCardExpiryMo The expiry month of the credit card. For example, September can be entered as 9 or 09.
**CreditCardExpiryYr The expiry year of the credit card. Format is in: 2014.
NameOnCard The name that appears on the Club Membership's credit card.
*ClubName The name of the club that the customer is being added to. The club must exist in Vin65 before the import can be done.
SignupDate The date the Club Membership is assigned. If left blank, the Vin65 platform will assign the date of the import as the signup date.
OnHoldStartDate If the membership is on hold at the time of import, an admin user can specify a start date. To edit, this date would need to be removed manually once imported into the system.
CancelDate This would be the date the Club Membership is set to be cancelled.
IsGift The field indicating whether the Club Membership is a gift or not.
GiftMessage The gift message to display to all shipping recipients.
ClubNotes The notes for the Club Membership. These notes are public to both admin users and customers.
ShipNickName The nickname of the shipping recipient.
ShipBirthDate The shipping recipient's date of birth. Format is in: YYYY-MM-DD.
ShipFirstName The shipping recipient's first name.
ShipLastName The shipping recipient's last name.
ShipCompany The shiping recipient's company name.
ShipAddress The shiping recipient's street address.
ShipAddress2 The shipping recipient's additional address information. For example, unit#, apt#, etc.
ShipCity The shiping recipient's city of residence.
ShipStateCode The two character abreviated state code or province code. For example, California = CA and British Columbia = BC.
ShipZipCode The shipping recipient's zip code.
ShipMainPhone The shipping recipient's phone number. Format is in: 000-000-0000.
ShipEmail The shipping recipient's email address.
IsPickupAtWinery This field is used for indication on whether the Club Membership is a pickup membership or not. Must be either Yes / 1 or No / 0.
*PickupLocationCode If you selected Yes for IsPickupAtWinery, then you must enter the valid code for the pickup location where the Club Membership will be set to have their shipments picked up from. To review the pickup code, please navigate to Settings > Misc > Pickup Locations.

* Mandatory Fields:  FirstName, LastName, Address, City, StateCode, ZipCode, Email, ClubName, PickupLocationCode (if IsPickupAtWinery = YES)

** Mandatory Fields for New Members Only: CreditCardType, CreditCardNumber, CreditCardExpiryMo, CreditCardExpiryYr

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Importing Club Members

In order to import your spreadsheet that has been filled out, please follow the steps below.

1. Once the data is complete, you may navigate back to the pop-up window where you downloaded the SampleFile from.

2. Click on Browse to find the spreadsheet saved on your computer. Click Import afterwards.

3. If the contact does not have a customer number, the Vin65 platform will automatically assign a number to that contact. The email address needs to be valid in order for the spreadsheet to work.

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FAQs Club Imports

  1. What does the error message 'invalid email' mean?
  2. Will the club member import tool trigger a 'Club Signup Confirmation' email?
  3. Do I need to create a contact in Vin65 manually before doing the Club Member Import?

What does the error message 'invalid email' mean?

If you see an 'invalid email' error message when importing a member, it means somewhere on the excel sheet, there is an email address that isn't really an email address. Common issues are:

  1. No '@' symbol.
  2. No '.' decimal.
  3. There is a space somewhere in there (could be before, after, or inside the email - ones before or after are harder to find).
  4. There are blank rows in the spreadsheet that Vin65 is trying to read. Try deleting any empty rows, or copying your data into a new sample sheet.

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Will the club member import tool trigger a 'Club Signup Confirmation' email?

No. Club members added via the club member importer tool will not receive a club signup confirmation email.

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Do I need to create a contact in Vin65 manually before doing the Club Member Import?

No. The Club Member Importer tool will automatically create a contact within Vin65 if one does not already exist.

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