Adrienne Stillman
June 4, 2018 | New Features | Adrienne Stillman

Now: Duplicate Products

One of the top requested items on the new WineDirect Ideas forum was the ability to clone a product, so we fast tracked that feature and it is now live!

You can now easily create a copy of any SKU in your online store with a single click. Simply navigate to the product you want to clone and click "Duplicate". A copy of the SKU will be created with all the same product attributes.

Duplicate Product Button

The word "Copy" will be added to the Product SKU, Product Name, POS Title and Marketing URL of the newly created SKU. Please be sure to adjust these fields as desired.

Duplicate Product Example

By default, newly duplicated SKUs are set as Inactive and Display on Website: No. Simply toggle these options on to make the SKU Active and appear in your online store.

The following fields are NOT copied over from the original SKU during duplication:

  • Inventory Counts (Inventory Settings, however, are copied.)
  • Product Media (ie. PDFs)
  • Vintage Notes
  • Related Products
  • Product Reviews
  • Product Tasks
  • Redeemable with Loyalty Points settings

Additional considerations:

  • When you duplicate a Product Bundle, the underlying sub-SKUs remain the same. If you want to duplicate the sub-SKUs, you'll need to do that individually and then update the Product Bundle accordingly.
  • In order to trigger a Product Sync with WineDirect Fulfillment, WineDirect Marketplace or other third parties including ShipCompliant, you will need to Edit and then Save the basic Product Info. This ensures that you are able to update the product information as needed before the sync occurs.
  • For Enterprise Clients, duplicating a SKU does NOT copy the websites selected under Manage Website. You will need to do this manually and assign your duplicate SKU(s) to the websites desired.


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