Adrienne Stillman
May 21, 2018 | New Features | Adrienne Stillman

New: Non Vintage Label

Great news for sparkling, fortified and other non-vintage wine producers: you can now label your wine products "Non Vintage" in your WineDirect Ecommerce Store and POS!

To add or edit products one by one, simply select "Non Vintage" from the Vintage dropdown menu on the Product page:

To update existing products via Product Import, you can use the following designations in the Vintage column (not case sensitive):

  • NV
  • Non-Vintage
  • Non Vintage
  • NonVintage

By default, products labeled Non Vintage will display with this designation on your front-end website. You can customize the term your customers see via the Resource Bundle. For example, if you want the product page to say "NV", navigate to Settings > Resource Bundle and search for nonVintage, then edit as desired:

NOTE: The Non Vintage designation will NOT be passed through Web Services to partners such as ShipCompliant. If you label a product Non Vintage, the "Vintage" designation passed through Web Services will be blank.


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