New Order

The New Order function is a feature that allows you to create a new order based off your existing order. When the New Order is created, it will pull over the contact information, and apply to the same Billing Address as the original order. A new order number will be assigned, and it will remain as a Pending/Hold order until the order has been processed. 

Create A New Order: Learn how to add a new order by using the individual order Actions. Learn More >

Create A New Order

Follow the steps to create a New Order:

1. In the Admin Panel, navigate to Store > Orders.

2. Use the left hand search parameters to find the order you wish to work with.

3. Click on the order to open it.

4. On the top right corner of the order, select Actions.

5. Select New Order from the drop down menu.

6. The Add An Order window will appear where a new order number is assigned, you can continue to process a new order.

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