Gift Card Reports

If you are using the Gift Card option on the Vin65 platform you will be able to generate reports on gift cards. For more information on Gift Card option please see the Gift Card Documentation. The following is a list of each of the Gift Card Reports available on the Vin65 platform as well as a description of what each report contains:

Available Gift Card Reports

Gift Card Summary: This report allows you to view a summary of All, Active, or Expired (Or $0 Balance) gift cards. This report displays card by number, the initial card value, current balance, expiry date (if applicable), and if the card is active. Learn More >

Gift Card Transactions: This report allows you to view each transaction on your gift cards. Transactions consist of the gift card being purchased, any orders that the gift card is used on, as well as any manual transactions from the admin panel (adding or removing funds). Learn More >

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Gift Card Summary

The Gift Card Summary report provides you with the ability to get details on all of your Gift Cards. This would include a full list of all of your created Gift Cards, expiry dates and current balances. We're going to look a little deeper at this report so that you have a clear understanding of how this report can help you the most.

On the left hand side of the report page, you will see a box to choose your search parameters.

Expired To/From Date Enter the date range of when the gift card expired.

The staus of the gift card. Allows you to filter between cards with active balances and those that have reached a zero balance.

  • All
  • Active
  • Expired (or Zero Balance)

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Below is a list of definitions in the Gift Card Summary report:

Card #

This field will display the card number

  • (e.g. 1000, 1002, 1003)
Title This displays the name that was given the card. If someone purchased a gift card from your website, it is created and given the next assignable number and given the default name “Gift Card”.


This field displays the initial amount on the Gift Card when first activated and given to the recipient.


This shows the current balance on the Gift Card since activation.


This shows the expiry date of the gift card if applicable.

Active Flag

This field will display a Yes or a No indicating if the card is able to be used or not.

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Gift Card Transactions

This report allows you to see the entire transaction history on either a specific Gift Card or all Gift Cards. First we will take a look at the report parameters.

These search parameters allow you to choose specific details for your report.

To/From Date

Enter the date range for the gift card transactions. These dates refer to the date the transaction took place.

Card # Allows you to choose a specific card number for your report. If left blank, this report will pull up all gift cards within your date range.

The staus of the gift card. Allows you to filter between cards with active balances and those that have reached a zero balance.

  • All
  • Active
  • Expired (or Zero Balance)

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Below is a list of definitions in the Gift Card Transaction report:

Card Number The gift card number.
Title The name given to a gift card to identify it.
Order Number The order number that the gift card was purchased on. This field will be blank if the gift card was indivdually created from the Gift Cards section in the admin panel rather than being sold on an order.
Notes The notes or instructions added to the gift card when was created in the admin panel.
Order Subtotal The amount of money used in the purchase.
Order Total The total cost of the entire order.

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