Credit Transactions

Running The Report: Learn where to find the report and how to run it. Learn More >

Credit Transactions CSV: Learn what columns are included in the Credit Transactions report. Learn More >

Manage Customer Credits: Learn how to review the credit balance that a customer has on file and how to manually add or subtract funds. Learn More >

Running The Report

1. Go to Reports > Credits > Credit Transactions.

2. Enter the date range you wish to report on [From Date and To Date]. Dates should be MM/DD/YYYY in North America and DD/MM/YYYY in Australia.

2. Click Generate Report.

3. Click Export as CSV to download your report.

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Credit Summary CSV

Below are the columns that are in the Credit Transactions report.

Date The date that the credit transaction took place.
Customer Number

The number assigned to the customer in the admin panel.

Name The combined first & last name attached to the customer's account.
Email The email address attached to the customer's account.
Order Number

If the transaction was created by an order, then the Order Number will populate here.

*Manual transactions through the Manage Credits section within a customer account will not include an Order Number.

Notes Any notes that were added by an admin user when creating a manual credit transaction under the Manage Credits section within a customer account.
Amount The dollar amount for the credit transaction, either positive or negative.

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