
Amazon This is the only marketplace option at this point.
Merchant ID This should be a number letter combo provided by Amazon (approx. 13 characters).
Marketplace ID This should be a number letter combo provided by Amazon (approx. 13 characters).
3-5 Day: Carrier Code This needs to map to your shipping type setup for a 3 to 5 day shipping option (i.e. UPS)
3-5 Day: Carrier Name This needs to map to the carrier that provides the service (i.e. if you used 'UPS' as your carrier code, this would be UPS).
3-5 Day: Carrier Service Level This would be a consumer facing service level for this shipping type (i.e. 'Ground').
2 Day: Carrier Code This needs to map to your shipping type setup for a 2 day shipping option (i.e. UP2)
2 Day: Carrier Name This needs to map to the carrier that provides the service (i.e. if you used 'UP2' as your carrier code, this would be UPS).
2 Day: Carrier Service Level This would be a consumer facing service level for this shipping type (i.e. '2 Day').
24 Hour: Carrier Code This needs to map to your shipping type setup for a 1 day shipping option (i.e. UP1)
24 Hour: Carrier Name This needs to map to the carrier that provides the service (i.e. if you used 'UP1' as your carrier code, this would be UPS).
24 Hour: Carrier Service Level This would be a consumer facing service level for this shipping type (i.e. 'Next Day').
Address Address of your winery.
Address 2 Address 2 of your winery.
City City of your winery.
State Code State Code of your winery. This can only be a 2 digit state code.
Zip Code Zip Code of your winery.