

The v65:ageGate tag asks the visitor to confirm that they are old enough and to enter the site by asking a simple "yes" "no" question (default behaviour).

If the type attribute is specified and set to "birthDate", then the tag asks the visitor to confirm that they are old enough and to enter the site by specifying their birthdate.
Content is pulled for the tag from a page in the admin panel with a keyword of "AgeGate"

Optional Attribute(s):

  • type:   <v65:ageGate type="birthdate"></v65:ageGate>
  • noLink:   <v65:ageGate noLink=""></v65:ageGate>
  • options:   <v65:ageGate options="{'element':'div','attributes':{'class':'v65-ageGate'}}"></v65:ageGate>


The v65:ageGate tag outputs the following HTML code:
<div class="v65-ageGate v65-yesNoValidation">
	<p>Content from your page with the "AgeGate" keyword.</p>

	<form method="post" action="/index.cfm?method=homepage.validateAge" class="v65-customForm" v65js="ageGateYesNoSubmit">

		<input type="hidden" name="noLink" value="">
		<input type="hidden" name="yesNo" value="">

		<div class="v65-ageGateYes">
			<a class="v65-button">Yes</a>

		<div class="v65-ageGateNo">
			<a class="v65-button">No</a>



<div class="v65-ageGate v65-birthDateValidation">
	<p>Content from your page with the "AgeGate" keyword.</p>

	<form method="post" action="/index.cfm?method=homepage.validateAge" class="v65-customForm" v65js="ageGateBirthDateSubmit">

		<input type="hidden" name="noLink" value="">

		<div class="v65-customDatePicker">
			Date of Birth<span class="v65-required"> </span><br>
			<div class="v65-date v65-day">
				<label for="day">Day</label>
				<input type="text" name="day" value="01">
			<div class="v65-date v65-month">
				<label for="month">Month</label>
				<div class="v65-selectWrapper">
					<select name="month">
			<div class="v65-date v65-year">
				<label for="year">Year</label>
				<input type="text" name="year" value="1992">


			<button class="v65-button" type="submit" value="submit">Submit</button>
