WineDirect Team
July 6, 2018 | Fixes | WineDirect Team

Bug Fix: Changes to Discount Columns in Quickbooks V2 Report

In order to facilitate Quickbooks reporting via Transaction Pro Importer, we have made two changes to the columns included in our Quickbooks V2 Report:

  1. Column AO has been renamed Item Discount (instead of Discount) and provides the discount amount PER ITEM. 

  2. We have added a new column (Column BB) titled Discount. This column provides the TOTAL discount applied across the entire order.

This change enables you to report on your discounts in Quickbooks using Transaction Pro Importer.

If you are using Transaction Pro Importer to upload data into Quickbooks, we recommend you adjust your mapping settings to take advantage of this bug fix.

Here is a sample mapping we recommend: 

Please note this bug fix applies to WineDirect's New Reports ONLY. Our old reports have not changed.


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