Club Member Reports

If you are managing your wine clubs on the Vin65 platform, you will be able to generate reports on your club members. For more information on managing your clubs on the Vin65 platform please see the Club Documentation. The following is a list of each of the Club Reports available on the Vin65 platform as well as a description of what each report contains:

List of Club Member Reports

Club Members: This report allows you to generate a general report tallying information about your club members. Learn More >

Shipments Per Members: This report allows you to see a list of your club members and how many shipments they have received. Learn More >

User Choice Clubs: This report lets you see the specfic products chosen by each club member in your user choice clubs. Learn More >

You can set your report parameters based on the club (All clubs, or a specific club), membership status (Active, Expired or On Hold members) as well as Signup From & To Dates of memberships. These reports will allow you to view all of your club members and their memberships.

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