Sales By Sales Associate

This report allows you to view your sales based on which Sales Associate was assigned to an order(s). The report lists the Sales Associate name, order details, and tip totals within a particular date range.

We have a few parameters you can use to generate the Sales By Sales Associate report:

  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Date Type

Customizing A Sales Report

Reports export in .CSV format.

You can access the the Sales by Sales Associate Report by navigating to Reports > Sales > Sales By Sales Associate

Here are the definitions of what will populate in your Sales By Sales Associate report:

Website The website the purchase originated from.
Sales Associate The name of the sales associate.
Order Count The total amount of orders processed by the sales associate
Sub Total The total of subtotals of orders processed by the sales associate, before taxes and shipping/handling.
Deposit The total of deposits of orders processed by the sales associate. (**Canadian customers only)
Shipping Total amount of shipping of orders processed by the sales associate.
Handling Total amount of handling of orders processed by the sales associate. 
Taxes Total amount of tax of orders processed by the sales associate.
Total Total of sale(s) including tax, shipping/handling of orders processed by the sales associate.
Tip Total tip amount of all orders processed by the sales associate.
TotalAfterTip The total amount after tips have been included in the total of all orders processed by the sales associate.

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