Abandoned Carts

This report will display a list of orders that a customer abandoned before clicking the process button.

We have several parameters you can use to get the most accurate Abandoned Carts report:

  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Select Customer - Repeat & New or New Only

Customizing A Sales Report

Reports export in .CSV format.

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Here are the definitions of what will populate in your Abandoned Carts report:

Website The website the purchase originated from.
Order Number The order number for an order passed into Vin65 from another system (RMS, Amazon, etc). This will only populate for orders passed to Vin65 through webservices and cannot be manually added to an order.
Status What the status of the order is. (Completed/Quarantined/Cancelled/Pending)
Type What type of order it was. (Website/ClubOrder/AdminPanel)
Order Date The date they ordered. (MM/DD/YYYY)
Bill Birth Date Birthdate of the customer that is being billed. (MM/DD/YYYY)
Bill Name Full name of the customer that is being billed.
Bill First Name First name of the customer that is being billed.
Bill Last Name Last name of the customer that is being billed.
Bill Company Company name of the customer that is being billed.
Bill Address Address of the customer that is being billed.
Bill Address 2 The second address of the customer that is being billed.
Bill City State that the customer being billed lives in. (XX) Ex: California - CA
Bill Zip Zip code/Postal of the customer that is being billed.
Bill Phone Phone number of the customer that is being billed.
Bill Email Email address of the customer that is being billed.
Pickup Is the order for pickup? (YES/NO)
Pickup Location The address of the Pickup Location.
Pickup Location Code The internal code you set for the Pickup Location.
Ship Birth Date Birthdate of the customer that the order is being shipped to. (MM/DD/YYYY)
Ship First Name First name of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Last Name Last name of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Company Company name of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Address Address of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Address 2 The second address of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship City City that the customer lives in that the order is being shipped to.
Ship State State that the customer lives in where the order is being shipped to. (XX) Ex: California - CA
Ship Zip Zip code/Postal of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Phone Phone number of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Email Email address of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Subtotal Subtotal of the order, before taxes and shipping/handling.
Deposit If there is a bottle deposit on product(s) *(Canadian customers only)
Shipping Total amount of shipping.
Handling Total amount of handling.
Taxes Total amount of tax.
Total Total of sale including tax, shipping/handling.
Tip Total amount of tips generated from this order.
Total After Tip Total of sale including tax, shipping/handling, and tips.
Source If you are using source codes to tag orders.
Is Non-Taxable Is the order Non-taxable – (Yes/No)
Wholesale # The Wholesale number of the customer.
Last Modified Date The date on which the most recent modifications to an order were made.

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