Mailing List

The Mailing List report is designed to provide you the basic details of all of your contacts that have an email address in your system.

These are the parameters you have to choose from when deciding to pull your Mailing List:

Type All Contact Types or a Contact Type that you've created in Vin65

Reports are always pulled in an .CSV format.

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Here are the definitions of the what will populate in your Mailing List report:

First Name The customer's first name.
Last Name The customer's last name.
Company The customer's company name.
Address The customer's billing street address.
Address 2 Additional billing street address information.
City The customer's billing city.
State The customer's billing state.
Zip Code The customer's billing zip code.
Country The customer's country.
Phone The phone number on their customer record.
Email The email address of the customer.
Username The username of the customer as indicated on their customer record.

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