Club Members Report

This report will allow you to view your club members. You will be able to view your club members details based on a specific date range.

Running the Report

To run a Club Member's report:

  1. Go to Reports
  2. Hover over Club Members, and select the Club Member Report
  3. Enter any report parameters and/or click Generate Report
  4. Click Download CSV

We have several parameters you can use to get the most of your Club Members report:

Clubs Select the Club you want to search by or select All Clubs.
Status Select the Status.

(Example:  All Members/Active/Cancelled/On Hold)

Signup From Date The date the customer sign up where you want the report to range from.
Signup To Date The date the customer sign up where you want the report to range to end.

Reports export in .CSV format.

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Here are the definitions of what will populate in your Club Members report:

WebsiteName The name of the website the club member belongs to.
Club Club name that the customer belongs to.
Cust # Customer number of the club member.
Birth Date Birthdate of the club member. (MM/DD/YYYY)
First Name First name of the club member.
Last Name Last name of the club member.
Company Company name of the club member.
Address Address of the club member.
Address 2 The second address of the club member.
City City that the club member lives in.
State State that the club member lives in. (XX) Ex: California - CA
Zip Zip code/Postal of the club member.
Phone Phone number of the club member.
Email Email address of the club member.
ShipTo Option selected for the shipping of the order. (Billing Address, Pickup, other address)
Ship Birth Date Birthdate of the customer that the order is being shipped to. (MM/DD/YYYY)
Ship First Name First name of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Last Name Last name of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Company Company name of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Address Address of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Address 2 The second address of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship City City that the customer lives in that the order is being shipped to.
Ship State State that the customer lives in where the order is being shipped to. (XX) Ex: California - CA
Ship Zip Code Zip code/Postal of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Country Country of the customer that club orders are being shipped to.
Ship Phone Phone number of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Ship Email Email address of the customer that the order is being shipped to.
Shipping Strategy Shipping Strategy chosen for club membership.
Shipping Type Shipping Type chosen for club membership.
Credit Card Type The type of card used for the transaction. (Visa/MasterCard/AmericanExpress/Discovery)
Credit Card The number of the card used for the transaction. (XXXX XXXX XXXX 5454) This is encrypted, only the last 4 numbers will be visible.
Expiry Mo The month that the card expires. (MM)
Expiry Yr The year that the card expires. (YYYY)
Name On Card Name of the cardholder.
Last Processed Date their credit card was last processed.
PrePay Is the membership a Prepay membership? (Yes (Number of Prepay SKU)/No)
Shipments How many Shipments have they received and whether the membership is ongoing or prepay. (Ie. 2 / 3 = Two out of three prepay shipments have been sent, 1 / Ongoing = One shipment has been sent on an ongoing membership)
Sign Up Date Date for signing up for the club.
On Hold Start Start date of a hold if there is a hold on the membership.
On Hold End End date of a hold if there is a hold on the membership.
Retain Privileges Yes/No - Indicates if the club member still receives club discounts and promotions but does not qualify for club shipments.
Cancel Date Date of membership cancellation.
Product Discount Discount on products chosen for Club Processing. (Does not apply to normal website orders)
Shipping Discount Discount on shipping chosen for Club Processing. (Does not apply to normal website orders)
Pickup Yes/No
Pickup Location Location chosen for the club member to pick up at.
Pickup Location Code Location code of the pickup location.
Sales Associate Name of the associate that sold the membership.
Source Code Free form text to track club member.
Gift Yes/No - Indicates if membership is a gift membership.
Gift Message Gift message sent to the gifted recipient (appears on packing slip)
Notes Any additional notes added to this club membership.
Cancel Reason Reason for a membership cancellation.
(Lifetime Value)
The total net profit of the club member over their entire relationship with your company.

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Search For Cancelled/On Hold Only Members

If you are searching for cancelled or on hold only, please remember to select the appropriate status of the club members via the Status tab of the club members report. 

1. Click on Status > select Cancelled or On Hold Members

2. Select the Signup From Date and To Date and Generate Report.

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