Sales Reports

Sales Reports help you to track the financial performance of your winery while also giving you insight into order level data so you can ensure you're staying on top of everything going on with orders at your winery. 

Use the 'Orders by' reports to pull data that includes order level information, including order number. Use the 'Sales Summary by' reports to pull data that summarizes your sales on different parameters. 

Available Sales Reports

Order Detail: Previously Sales Detail X. This is the most comprehensive of all your sales reports. This report will allow you to view the specific details of each order between a specific date range. Often the best option when exporting orders from the WineDirect platform. Learn More >

Orders by Customer: Previously Sales by Customer. This report will allow you to view sales for a specific customer based on customer number and/or Last Name. You will be able to view a customer's order history for a specific date range, as well as the total value of those orders. Learn More >

Orders by Number: Previously Sales by Order Number. This report allows you to view your sales within a range of order numbers (e.g.: Orders #1000 - #1050). Learn More >

Orders by Ship/Pickup Date: Previously Sales by Date. This report allows you to view your sales based on the Order or the Ship Date. Learn More >

Sales Summary by Associate: Previously Sales by Sales Associate. This report allows you to view sales by sales associate within a specified date range. You can also easily view tip totals so you can determine what you need to pay out to your employees. Learn More >

Sales Summary by Category: Previously Sales by Category. This report allows you to view your sales based on which Category (Website Store Pages) they were purchased on. The report lists the Category name (e.g. Reds, Whites, Featured, etc) and the Total dollar value of sales made within a particular date range. Learn More >

Sales Summary by Product: Previously Sales by SKU. This report allows you to view your sales by your products. You will be able to run a report based upon SKUs within a specific/date range or order number range. Learn More >

Sales Summary by State: Previously Sales by State. This report allows you to view the sales within specific State(s) and/or Province(s). To select multiple states/provinces you will want to hold Ctrl (PC) or Command (Mac) and click on those you wish to report on (selections will highlight in blue). Learn More >

Looking for something that isn't here? Read through the list of Financial Reports > 

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