Shipping Strategies

Please Note, While this is a complete redesign, much of the old shipping strategies documentation is still applicable, you can review that by clicking here.


We are eager for feedback! You can send anything over to

Key Changes

  • Shipping Types is now renamed Shipping Methods
  • See an overview of your shipping strategy through a single page instead of multiple sections
    • See an overview of the active and inactive methods
    • See list of states in each zone
  • Disable and enable shipping methods directly from the list page
  • The ability to delete any rates that you aren't using. The system no longer forces a default rate of $0.00 (that can be hidden for customers online)
  • Add states to a zone quickly with new search functionality and the ability to select and deselect all
  • Internal / Validation for correct setup
    • Ensure rates are set up correctly and less troubleshooting is required when rates don't apply as expected
    • Only allow users to add a state to a single zone
    • Don't allow users to use shipping methods that have been set as inactive
    • If a state is not included in a zone, customers will not be able to have products shipped there. (Today it charges a rate of $0.00 for non-wine products)

Managing a Shipping Strategy

The new section offers the ability to configure your Strategy, Methods & Zones all at once!

Managing a Shipping Method (Renamed from Shipping Types) 

Click to create and add a Shipping Method for each type of delivery method that you want to offer. 

Managing Shipping Zones

Group states into zones depending on how you'd like to charge rates. When adding and editing your zones, we've introduced functionality allowing you to select entire countries with a single click and have added a search to make it easy to find what you're looking for.

Click here for a list of FAQs

Managing Shipping Rates

Once you've added your zones, adding rates is easy, you can do so by clicking on the +Add Rate link.

When adding and editing your rates, you can enter how much you'd like to charge. The format will change slightly dependant on if you Shipping Strategy is set to charge by weight, number of items, or order value. 


  1. I can no longer add a state to multiple zones.

I can no longer add a state to multiple zones.

For a single strategy, each state should only be included in one zone. Zones should be created for each grouping of customers to receive a specific shipping rate. If, for example, California was added to two different zones, then a rate is created for each of those zones, the system will not know which price to charge. In a single strategy, we've blocked the ability to add a state to two separate zones to ensure that customers won't experience issues when checking out and that you're charging the right rate.