
<v65:wine:wineMakerNotes />

The v65:wine:wineMakerNotes tag displays the wine Wine Maker Notes value.

Available on:

  • Product List
  • Product QuickView


The v65:wine:wineMakerNotes tag outputs the following HTML code:
<div class="v65-wine-attribute v65-wine-wineMakerNotes">
	<div class="v65-wine-attributeLabel">wineMaker Notes</div>
	<div class="v65-wine-attributeValue">Proin erat orci, tristique non lacus at, molestie porta erat. Praesent luctus, diam ut viverra suscipit, nulla ex tincidunt augue, lacinia laoreet ligula nisi ut metus. Maecenas eleifend sit amet magna at fringilla.</div>