Gift Card Reports

If you are using the Gift Card option on the Vin65 platform you will be able to generate reports on gift cards. For more information on Gift Card option please see the Gift Card Documentation. The following is a list of each of the Gift Card Reports available on the Vin65 platform as well as a description of what each report contains:

List of Gift Card Reports

Gift Card Summary: This report allows you to view a summary of All, Active, or Expired (Or $0 Balance) gift cards. This report displays card by number, the initial card value, current balance, expiry date (if applicable), and if the card is active. Learn More >

Gift Card Transactions: This report allows you to view each transaction on your gift cards. Transactions consist of the gift card being purchased, any orders that the gift card is used on, as well as any manual transactions from the admin panel (adding or removing funds). Learn More >

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