Event Tickets

If you are using the Event Ticket option on the Vin65 platform, you will be able to generate an event ticket report. For more information on the event ticket option, please see the Event Ticket Documentation.

This report is designed to be exported from the Vin65 platform and imported into your ticket scanner software/solution, thus allowing you to monitor the tickets sold and scan/verify an attendee's ticket to be valid or not. You will need a 3 of 9 (Code 39) compatible barcode scanner to read the event tickets. You will also have to ensure that your barcode scanner allows data to be uploaded to it. 

We have several parameters you can use to search for Event Tickets:

Events All Events/A specific Event your team has created.
Status If the ticket is Active/InActive/All.
From Date-To Date The timeframe you wish to run your report.

Reports export in .CSV format.

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Here are the definitions of the what will populate in your Event Tickets report:

Ticket No. The number of the ticket sold.
Ticket Code The unique code of the ticket.
Booking Date Date the Event Ticket was purchased. (YYYY-MM-DD HR:MN:SC.MSC)
Event Name of the Event.
Unit Description The description of the ticket (ex. Balcony Seat)
Event Date Date of the Event.
Event Time Time of the Event.
Product SKU SKU of the ticket.
Price Price of the ticket.
Order Number Order number of the purchased ticket.
Bill First Name First name of the customer that is being billed.
Bill Last Name Last name of the customer that is being billed
Bill Phone Phone number of the customer that is being billed.
Bill Email Email address of the customer that is being billed.
Ship First Name First name of the customer that the ticket is being shipped to.
Ship Last Name Last name of the customer that the ticket is being shipped to.
Ship Phone Phone number of the customer that the ticket is being shipped to.
Ship Email Email address of the customer that the ticket is being shipped to.
Credit Card Type Credit card type that was used for the transaction. (Visa/MasterCard/AmericanExpress/Discovery)
Is Active If the ticket is active or inactive. (Active = 1/ Inactive = 0)

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