Coupon Usage

This report allows you to view which promos have been used within a specific date range. Included in the report are: Coupon name, Order Numbers, the Total Discount amount, and the Order Total.

We have several parameters you can use to get the most accurate Coupon Usage report:

  • Select which Coupon
  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Status of the order (Completed/Pending/Cancelled etc)

Reports export in .CSV format.

Here are the definitions of what will populate in your Coupon Usage report:

Website Name The name of the Website the order to place on.
Order # The number assigned to an order by the admin panel.
Coupon Name The name of the coupon that was applied.
Coupon Code The coupon code of the coupon that was applied, if it had one.
Submitted Date The submitted date of the order.
Completed Date The completed date of the order.
Product Discount Discount given on the product.
Shipping Discount Discount given on the shipping.
Total Discount Total amount of discount given (Product & Shipping).
Order SubTotal The total of all product totals within the order.
Order Total The total amount of the order with shipping and taxes.

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