Guest Count

The Guest Count report allows you to view statistics on the number of club members verses non-club members visited when using the Resturant POS Features. This report will only display if you have Resturant POS Features enabled. 

Search Parameters

From Date The start date for your report date range. Formatt = MM/DD/YYYY
To Date The end date for your report date range. Fromatt = MM/DD/YYYY

Report exports in .CSV format.

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Here are the definitions of the what will populate in your Guest Count report:

Date The date for the count. A single day per line.
Club Guests The total number of club members that were logged at tables in a single day. 
Non-Club Guests The total number of non-club members that were logged at tables in a single day.
Total Guests The combined total of club and non-club members that were logged at tables in a single day.

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