Manage Allocations

The Allocations section allows you to view any Allocations that a contact is registered in. You will be able to view a contact's allocated minimum and maximum quantities, the number of wines purchased for the allocation, and any additional requests that are submitted. You will also be able to create or modify a Custom Grant for a customer in an Allocation. For more information regarding the Allocations feature on the Vin65 platform, please visit the Allocations documentation. To enable the Allocations feature, please contact the Vin65 Support team.

Review Allocation: Review allocations the contact belongs to, allocated purchases, and make custom grants. Learn More >

Edit Custom Grant: Set a minimum and maximum quantity amount for a product in an allocation. Learn More >

Review Allocation

You can quickly see what allocations this contact belongs to, what they have purchased from their allocation. You can also edit their allocation by giving them a custom grant.

Below is a list of the properties that editable for a customer's Allocation:

Lists the name of the allocation. Below it lists the start date, then the end date of the allocation. 
Lists the name of the product. Below it lists the SKU of the product.
Min Lists the minimum quantity of the product that can be purchased for this contact.
Max Lists the maximum quantity of the product that can be purchased for this contact.
Purchased Lists the quantity purchased of the product by this contact.
Requested Lists the quantity of the product that this contact has wished for.

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Edit Custom Grant

By clicking the Edit Custom Grant button, you will be able to provide a custom minimum and maximum for a contact for any of the products in the allocation.

Below is a list of the properties that editable for a customer's Allocated Custom Grant:

Name Lists the name of the contact (Billing Last Name, Billing First Name).
Lists the name of the product. Below it lists the SKU of the product.
Min Lists the minimum quantity of the product that can be purchased for this contact.
Max Lists the maximum quantity of the product that can be purchased for this contact.
Default Qty. The Default is the amount of wine that appears to be already chosen for them when they look at their release options online. The contact change this at the time of purchase.

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